Potter’s Family Chapel Geneva
Potter’s Family Chapel Geneva is a teaching ministry rooted in a deep love for the Word of God. Located in the beautiful and international city of Geneva, Switzerland, PFC Geneva is a growing Kingdom outpost that seeks to declare God’s truth, bear His light, build His community, and ultimately share Jesus’ hospitality and love with the nations.
Our weekly gatherings focus on equipping ordinary men and women to live out the fullness of the leadership capabilities they’ve been gifted by God. We also hold a Bible study for those who want to learn more about what’s in it – regardless of any prior knowledge. Once a month, we hold a special time for kids in a fun and foundation-setting atmosphere. Monthly also, we create a space for women to come together as unique and blessed creations of the Creator Himself.
Rue de la Baillive 3 | 1205 | Geneva, Switzerland
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Meeting times
Mondays and Wednesdays 19h-21h
Sundays 10h-11h30