Potter’s Family Chapel is a Word-based church, with spiritual emphasis on teaching, discipleship and the prophetic ministry. God’s Kingdom is our priority at Potter’s Family Chapel and we are determined to influence the world with Kingdom values, one community at a time.

- We nurture train and develop Christ-like disciples in their God-given gifts and callings.
- We bring the Gospel of Jesus Christ to every person, everywhere, starting from our immediate environment
- We are building a solid foundation of Bible-based teaching, in order to equip our members to preach and teach the Gospel
- We are growing the kingdom of God through spreading the Word, winning souls and planting churches
- We are building a Holy Place where people experience the incredible presence, and life-changing power of our living God, through unity of worship and oneness of purpose.
- We are working to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ throughout the world by raising ministers and Kingdom workers to oversee future branches.
- We are building a Holy Place where people’s pasts do not dictate their future.

- We believe in personal and corporate prayer, it is our life line and lifestyle
- We value expressive worship that drives us into the presence of God
- We value people from all walks of life and welcome them with open arms
- We believe in discipleship and mentoring
- We demonstrate the compassion of Christ to humanity
- We believe that there is only One True God who exist in the Trinity, God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit
- We believe that Jesus Christ, born of the Virgin Mary is the only begotten son of the Father
- We believe that all men have sinned and need redemption from their sins through Jesus Christ in order to have everlasting life
- We believe that Jesus Christ died on the cross for the sins of all mankind and that salvation is available through Him alone.
- We believe that the Holy Bible must be obeyed because it is God’s word to all mankind